sábado, 18 de abril de 2015


Pacific Region

Is composed by the four states which has coast with the Pacific ocean, the state of Choco with coast on the Pacific ocean and Caribbean sea, Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño.

Is a region with beautiful and exotic natural landscapes, some of them still undiscovered. In the Pacific region is located the well known Darien jungle in the limits with Panama, with undiscovered places, were unclassified species of Fauna and Flora can be found.

Colombia due his five regions, different thermal floors and the variety in climates is rich in biodiversity in Flora and Fauna, Colombia has the first position worldwide in some areas. One of the places with the highest diversity is the Pacific region.

The Pacific region, specially in the Choco area, has a high rainfall level, one of the river with the highest water flow in the world is located there, the Atrato river, it almost create a natural channel between the Pacific ocean and Caribbean sea.

The humpback whales selected the Pacific region to breed and mate, and some turtle species to deposit their eggs, this is the reason why many tourist decide to come every year to watch them in their natural habitat, enjoying the beautiful symphony produced by the whales during their mating.
In this region is located the port of Buenaventura, one of the most important of the country, and also the Tumaco port.

The population is largely Afro Colombian in the Pacific region, specially in the Choco state, the indians ethnic groups as the Guambianos and the Paeces are located in the Cauca State.
By his beautiful natural places, his corals, his Fauna and Flora the Pacific region has become an ideal place for ecotourism lovers, for those one who like diving and nautical sports, or you can enjoy of the sand, beaches and sea in different spots with a wonderful view.

Inside the Pacific region, Colombia has establish some natural Parks: The Katíos (ó Ikatíos which is share with Panamá), Utría, Sanquianga, Gorgona, Farallones de Cali, Tatamá and los Santuarios de Fauna y Flora Isla de La Corota y Galeras, with them is posible to preserve the native Fauna and Flora species of the Pacific region.

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